in the rays of the setting sun
The latest "sparkling stars" prompt over at Carpe Diem is this one by Kikaku:
in the rays of the setting sun
there flutters along the city street,
a butterfly
Here's my response, I started writing it on a walk today.
flock of geese passing
over the river where a
lone goose honks
Carpe Diem prompt Yozakura's question, "How did you became involved with 'Soloku' or as you call it nowadays haiku?"
The first time I remember writing a haiku was in high school. It was about an apple. Then I don't think I wrote any for 25 years or so. I wrote some more a couple years ago when I was falling . . .
Carpe Diem prompt "corn". I love this one Kristjaan offers, by Jane Reichhold:
harvest moon
a bulging corn crib
releases it
I remember the bulging corn crib from my grandpa's farm when I was little. And I can relate to the scene from Kristjaan's haiku too:
lost in the corn fields
. . .
There is nothing
Carpe Diem prompt, a haiku of Sodo:
in my hut this spring,
there is nothing, -
there is everything!
Kristjaan offers some great explanations and more examples of a similar theme, "a spontaneous gush of feeling at some particular, fresh expression of the infinite meaning of things." In a way maybe all haiku . . .
Translation: The Strangeness
translation of Lambert Schlechter's L'Étrangeté
Beauty Will Save the World offers a great poem by Lambert Schlechter today. I am going to try to translate it. First, my translation, then the original.
sometimes, suddenly, in a flash
an interruption in the stream of consciousness
a break in the cascade of moments
a silence in the murmur of the universe