like an apple
Seven Delights
including five rainbows!
Well my dear friend Contrary Mom wrote a post about seven things that made her happy this week. I used to do that too and what a good habit. Originally I got the inspiration over at key + arrow but in any form the point is to review the past seven days and find in them seven delights. Very easy these days.
1. Gone fishin'
The prompt recently at CDHK was "abandoned," which is what I have almost done with CDHK recently. Been enjoying other parts of my life. But I'm back, at least now and then!
Anyway here's my attempt at a haiku on the theme. I guess that abandoned is an autumn kigo (season word).
stillness of the pond
. . .
no rose though
Departing Summer
A lovely haibun prompt from Kristjaan's Carpe Diem Haiku Kai blog, on "departing summer." The rules are to write not-more-than-100-word narrative followed by the haiku in traditional (5/7/5, kigo, cutting word, interchangeable first and third lines) format, on the topic of "departing summer." Kristjaan's . . .
six full days
I haven't seen my kids since last Sunday. Tomorrow morning I get to hug them. I cannot wait! I have missed them so much, but what a week.
Lunch with a good friend I haven't seen in months, at this delicious vegetarian place called Cafe Manna. And that night, Poets Monday at Linnemans. My second time reading . . .
Found Poetry Friday: alice paul talks
Alice Paul Talks
"revolting"is the word
bound with sheets and sat upon
rubber tube up my nostrils
delicate slip of a girl
interrupter of public meetings
if she ever threw a stone
Miss Paul merely threw words
votes for women
"You would have thought . . .
CDHK Ghost-writer #20: Scent of Poetry
An interesting prompt today at CDHK, from Jen of Blog It or Lose It. She asks us to write a haiku that incorporates that other emotion-provoking sense (besides sight and sound), smell. I love this one she offers:
spring plowing done – /
the scent of oil and hot dust /
in grandpa’s workshop //
So. Here's mine. . . .